Wednesday, September 14, 2011

School Days!

This past week has been filled with first days of school for our family. It started last week with Georgia. She is now a big first grader, going to school all day long and riding the bus. She seems to be doing great and enjoying her class, tonight she told me she was picked as team leader...nice!


Natalie started Pre-K today. She has been telling me for the last month that she is not attending Pre-K. She says she already goes to school so she doesn't need to go to Pre-K. With that, I was a little frightened that my shy girl would not walk nicely into the classroom, however she did! Andy took her to school instead of me which probably helped a great deal, but there is the small chance that she was just ready to take on a new adventure.

Speaking of new adventures, I have gone back to school too. I am taking a NonProfit Leadership Certification course through a local community college. Classes are one day a month from now until May. So far I have learned my Meyers Briggs personality INFJ, and had a class on Ethics. You know what, it is really fun to learn when you want to! I am looking forward the rest of my classes throughout the school year.


Kinan Copen said...

Also, I too am an INFJ. No wonder we are friends! (I mean, amongst other important reasons. Like the love of mayo...)

Kinan Copen said...

You are my hero! Training for runs, going back to school, wreath season maven, clean water promoter and an amazing mom to boot!