Friday, September 12, 2008

First Day of Preschool

You know how people who have already raised their children tell young mom's "it will go fast, before you know it they will be off to college." well I was a bit skeptical, especially as I was suffering from sleep deprivation, trying my best to shed the hamburger and fry weight that came along with pregnancy, and wondering if I will ever get to shower in peace again, but you know what they were right.

Georgia started preschool yesterday. I left our fall conference early so I could be there for her first day of school and you know what she could have cared less. She didn't even say good-bye to me. In a way it was a blessing, because I watched the agony that other parents were going through as their children clung to them for dear life and it was heart breaking.

Now just two more years until kindergarten and Natalie starts preschool....please lord slow down the clock.

Morgen (her cousin) & Georgia

Georgia in her classroom.

1 comment:

Kinan Copen said...

Good first day outfit!