Monday, December 06, 2010

"Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree"

On Sunday afternoon I wrangled my husband away from the wreath business for all of about 1 hour to search for our perfect Christmas tree. We headed down to Brewer's Christmas Tree Farm as we have the past few years. They close at 4pm on Sunday and of course we pulled in right at 3:45pm. Luckily for us we have been going there for years and know the sweet spot on the farm for the perfect tree.

The Long Walk Out to the Sweet Spot

We found the tree in about 5 minutes and it only took that long because Georgia and I were actually looking at all the trees. Andy started calling over to us that he had found the perfect tree and while his was pretty perfect, I turned around and found the ONE.

Nat and the ONE

                                         Too bad the Christmas cards were already done...this would have been a great picture.

Decorating the tree


Here's something you may notice in the above picture...LED lights are horribly bright and with a blue tint. The old fashioned lights are on the bottom...I will be redoing the tree with the old lights.


Kinan Copen said...

Love it!!! So pretty!

Becky said...

You are way ahead of the game this year!! Looks beautiful!